Infinix Hot 8 and 8 Lite (X650B / X650) launched in September 2019 with Mediatek processor and runs out of the box with Android 9.0 Pie (Hot 8) and 8.1 Oreo (Hot 8 Lite). Now, if you're using the Infinix Hot 8 or Hot 8 Lite device and facing issues like authentication or buffer error, you will need to fix it via the SP Flash Tool or Miracle Box or CM2 box. But if you don't fix it, you will encounter a secure boot error. In order to flash those devices, you will require a Secure Boot DA file. Here you can download and install for both the Infinix Hot 8 and 8 Lite MTK Secure Boot DA file.
If your MediaTek powered Android device got corrupted or bricked, you will require a Download Agent file to access its onboard storage and fix it. Here in this guide, we will share with you the steps to install the Download Agent (DA) files for your device. The boot file or firmware file is also known as the DA file. The DA file is necessary to flash any file into a sucre boot enabled MTK devices
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